Wideo na wtorek: "Chirurdzy", "Jane the Virgin", "Castle", "Gotham", "Arrow"

Marta Wawrzyn
28 kwietnia 2015, 13:02
Fragmenty nowych odcinków "Chirurgów", "Arrow", "Supernatural". Zapowiedzi kolejnych odcinków "Jane the Virgin", "Castle", "Gotham". Jeszcze jedno promo "Scream Queens". Zapraszamy do oglądania!
Fragmenty nowych odcinków "Chirurgów", "Arrow", "Supernatural". Zapowiedzi kolejnych odcinków "Jane the Virgin", "Castle", "Gotham". Jeszcze jedno promo "Scream Queens". Zapraszamy do oglądania!
1. "Gotham" (1×22 – "All Happy Families Are Alike") – promo 1
2. "Castle" (7×22 – "Dead From New York") – promo 1
3. "The Originals" (2×21 – "Fire with Fire") – promo 1
4. "Jane the Virgin" (1×21 – "Chapter Twenty One") – promo 1
5. "Grey's Anatomy" (11×22 – "She's Leaving Home") – sneak peek 1
6. "Supernatural" (10×20 – "Angel Heart") – sneak peek 1
7. "Arrow" (3×21 – "Al Sah-Him") – sneak peek 1
8. "Scream Queens" – promo
9. "The Flash" – zapowiedź końcówki sezonu
10. "The Following" (3×11 – "Demons") – promo 1