15 klipów na sobotę: "Brooklyn 9-9", "Revenge", "Banshee", "The Walking Dead"

Marta Wawrzyn
18 stycznia 2014, 13:15
Nowa zapowiedź powrotu "The Walking Dead". Sneak peeki z "Revenge", "Intelligence", "How I Met Your Mother". A oprócz tego "Brooklyn 9-9", "Banshee", "The Carrie Diaries" i inne seriale.
Nowa zapowiedź powrotu "The Walking Dead". Sneak peeki z "Revenge", "Intelligence", "How I Met Your Mother". A oprócz tego "Brooklyn 9-9", "Banshee", "The Carrie Diaries" i inne seriale.
1. "The Walking Dead" (sezon 4) – promo
2. "The Carrie Diaries" (2×12 – "This Is the Time") – promo 1
3. "Banshee" (2×03 – "The Warrior Class") – promo 1
4. "Brooklyn Nine-Nine" (1×14 – "The Ebony Falcon") – promo 1
5. "Revenge" (3×13 – "Hatred") – sneak peek 1
6. "How I Met Your Mother" (9×15 – "Unpause") – sneak peek 1
7. "Arrow" (sezon 2) – promo "Billiionaire"
8. "Dracula" (1×10 – "Let There Be Light") – promo 1
9. "Grimm" (3×12 – "The Wild Hunt") – promo 1
10. "Bones" (9×14 – "The Master in the Slop") – promo 1
11. "Intelligence" (1×03 – "Mei Chen Returns") – sneak peek 1
12. "Intelligence" (1×03 – "Mei Chen Returns") – sneak peek 2
13. "Believe" – promo "The Girl Who Changed the World"
14. "Pretty Little Liars" (4×16 – "Close Encounters") – sneak peek 3
15. "Pretty Little Liars" (4×16 – "Close Encounters") – sneak peek 4