15 klipów na sobotę: "Justified", "Almost Human", "Mentalista", "Misfits", "Treme"

Marta Wawrzyn
7 grudnia 2013, 13:14
{Pierwszy teaser 5. sezonu "Justified". Zapowiedzi nowych odcinków "Misfits", "The Carrie Diaries", "Nikity" i innych seriali. Sneak peeki z "Almost Human", "Mentalisty", "Treme". Zapraszamy do oglądania!
{Pierwszy teaser 5. sezonu "Justified". Zapowiedzi nowych odcinków "Misfits", "The Carrie Diaries", "Nikity" i innych seriali. Sneak peeki z "Almost Human", "Mentalisty", "Treme". Zapraszamy do oglądania!
1. "The Carrie Diaries" (2×07 – "I Heard a Rumor") – promo 1
2. "Treme" (4×02 – "This City") – sneak peek 1
3. "Justified" (sezon 5) – teaser "Tracks"
4. "Mentalista" (6×10 – "Green Thumb") – sneak peek 1
5. "Almost Human" (1×05 – "Blood Brothers") – sneak peek 1
6. "Almost Human" (1×05 – "Blood Brothers") – sneak peek 2
7. "Almost Human" (1×05 – "Blood Brothers") – sneak peek 3
8. "Almost Human" (1×05 – "Blood Brothers") – sneak peek 4
9. "Almost Human" (1×05 – "Blood Brothers") – sneak peek 5
10. "The Vampire Diaries" (5×10 – "Fifty Shades of Grayson") – sneak peek 1
11. "Misfits" (5×08) – promo 1
12. "Dracula" (1×07 – "Servant to Two Masters") – promo 1
13. "Grimm" (3×07-08 – "Cold Blooded" i "Twelve Days of Krampus") – promo 1
14. "Nikita" (4×04 – "Pay-Off") – promo 1
15. "Bones" (9×12 – "The Ghost in the Killer") – promo 1